
The following rules apply for public computer use and wireless Internet access;

  1. The National Library of Namibia is a research library and provides public computer access and Internet access for research and educational use only.

  2. Wireless service is accessible by an individual's own laptop or wireless devices.  No guarantee can be made that individuals will be able to make a wireless connection.

  3. Users are required to book for public computer access at the reference desk.

  4. Each user is limited to 1 hour per day.

  5. Users will forfeit their hour if they do not sign in within 10 minutes since the computer will automatically log out.

  6. The Internet computers cannot be used to access, transmit, upload, download or distribute pornography, obscene or harmful material.

  7. The Internet computers cannot be used for chat sessions or games.

  8. The Internet computers cannot be used to access, download or view movies.

  9. Users should refrain from the use of Internet sounds and visuals which might disturb other library patrons.

  10. Downloaded material should be saved on the user's USB and not on the hard-drive

  11. Library staff may assist the user in accessing the Internet, but do not provide in-depth assistance or training.

  12. Users may not modify library hardware or software or change configurations.

  13. Printing is not available.

  14. Users are urged to respect copyright laws.

  15. All public computers are subject to random monitoring by library staff to ensure compliance with library policies.

  16. Failure to follow any of the above rules may result in termination of the session or suspension of Internet / Computer privileges.