Interlibrary loans

The collections of the National Library of Namibia consist of material acquired via legal deposit and purchase. Any library wishing to participate in the Namibia Inter-lending System should register as a member at the National Library of Namibia.

Inter-lending is a two-way process. When a library or information centre belongs to a network, it is expected to share its materials in return. Co-operation not only involves readiness on the part of the supplying library to make its materials available.

Limits to what can be obtained

•    Publications about Namibia are not available for lending.
•    We also decline to lend material in certain categories — reference books; items in a poor or fragile condition, books in demand, serials/periodicals, audio visual materials.

Conditions of loan

•    Books can only be collected from the NLN by library staff from the borrowing library.
•    Lending period will be 2 weeks for borrowers in Windhoek and 4 weeks for borrowers outside Windhoek. Request for extension will be considered.
•    Not more than 6 books per library will be given out.
•    The requesting library is responsible for the security and conservation of items lent by NLN
•    We will charge for lost or damaged items at full replacement costs
•    Photocopying of NLN material must be within copyright limits
•    It is the responsibility of the requesting library to ensure that borrowed items are received by the NLN.

How to submit requests

•    Namibian libraries that are not members of the Southern African Inter-lending network should use the printed Inter-lending forms that can be purchased at the National Library of Namibia for Namibian Libraries
•    The borrowing library must purchase the ILL request form from the National Library
•    The request form should be completed and signed by the borrowing library with all the necessary details provided.
•    Library users need to fill in an ILL request form at the library where they are members. Details of the book must be clearly provided
•    Request forms can be faxed or sent by email to the following.

Contact address; Tel: 061 293 5316; Fax: 061 293 5308

Returning material

•    Use courier services, van service, hand delivery to return material to the NLN